Client | 97th Floor - 97thfloor.com
Scope | company wide rebrand
Project | 97th Floor is a digital marketing agency based out of Utah that works with clients worldwide. I worked here in the Design Department as the Creative Director, so our team lead out the internal rebrand project. Countless hours went into this while collaborating with the internal Marketing team, the Executive team, and the Development team to get the brand and website launched. Although I lead out the creative concept for the brand, it is my team of designers that brought the whole thing together.
my role | creative conceptualization and direction
This video is a clip from a screen recording of the internal launch presentation when we released the new brand to everyone within the agency. My team and I spoke on how the brand came to be, introducing it to everyone.
Speaker order: Rian Kasner – Rachel Tonkovich – Autumn Christensen – Rian Kasner